Nazdar Ink Technologies has tested every Marlen Textiles’ product to determine which ink works best on each of our fabrics. They have the following recommendations:
Top Gun/Top Gun 9/Top Gun 1S: 8400 Series SV Screen Ink w/10% NB80 Adhesion Promoter
Top Gun FR/Top Gun FR Lite: 8400 Series SV Screen Ink w/10% NB80 Adhesion Promoter
Top Notch/Top Notch 9/Top Notch 1S: DA Series SV Screen Ink w/20% DA176 Catalyst
Top Notch FR: DA Series SV Screen Ink w/20% DA176 Catalyst
Odyssey/Odyssey Lite: 8400 Series SV Screen Ink w/10% NB80 Adhesion Promoter OR GV Series SV Screen Ink
Odyssey FR: 8400 Series SV Screen Ink w/10% NB80 Adhesion Promoter OR GV Series SV Screen Ink
Softouch: DA Series SV Screen Ink w/20% DA176 Catalyst
All Nazdar products listed above are curable without any extra equipment needed. To find out more about Nazdar, their SV Series Ink Products (8400, DA, & GV) and their catalysts/adhesion promoters, or to get information on specific application techniques, please contact Nazdar directly at 866-340-3579 or at https://www.nazdar.com/en-us/.
If you are going to use paint, here is some advice directly from customers that have used these and found them helpful:
- Apply a clear coat such as Super Frog Juice (www.superfrog.com/accessories.com)
- Apply an exterior latex (water based) or acrylic (chemical based) paint first as a base color. You can even go to Home Depot or Lowes with a sample of the fabric and they can match it.
- Use 1Shot Sign Painters Paint. This product can be purchased through various sites online including Amazon. There are numerous videos on application.