8" For 10 Minutes
8" For 10 Minutes
A small sample of the fabric is placed in a machine with a circular hole cut out in the bottom and a sealant to create a watertight bond. A mechanical plunger, with a water feed running down its center pole, is lowered that so that water is applied to the fabric with nothing is underneath the fabric except air, to replicate real-world scenarios. A water feed system that replicates the depth of pools of water on a fabric cover in the real world, is set to a height equaling water pressure of 8 inches as shown with the container of water next to the ruler. The water flows through the tubes down to the fabric, delivering the same pressure as 8 inches of water pooled onto a fabric cover. At the end of 10 minutes a measurement is taken for any leakage. Most Marine and awning fabrics should not leak under this test.