Graphics Applications: Using Nazdar Inks on Marlen Textiles’ Fabrics
Nazdar Ink Technologies has tested every Marlen Textiles’ product to determine which ink works best on each of our fabrics. They have the following recommendations:
Top Gun/Top Gun 9/Top Gun 1S: 8400 Series SV Screen Ink w/10% NB80 Adhesion Promoter
Top Gun FR/Top Gun FR Lite: 8400 Series SV Screen Ink w/10% NB80 Adhesion Promoter
Top Notch/Top Notch 9/Top Notch 1S: DA Series SV Screen Ink w/20% DA176 Catalyst
Top Notch FR: DA Series SV Screen Ink w/20% DA176 Catalyst
Odyssey/Odyssey Lite: 8400 Series SV Screen Ink w/10% NB80 Adhesion Promoter OR GV Series SV Screen Ink
Odyssey FR: 8400 Series SV Screen Ink w/10% NB80 Adhesion Promoter OR GV Series SV Screen Ink
Softouch: DA Series SV Screen Ink w/20% DA176 Catalyst
All Nazdar products listed above are curable without any extra equipment needed. To find out more about Nazdar, their SV Series Ink Products (8400, DA, & GV) and their catalysts/adhesion promoters, or to get information on specific application techniques, please contact Nazdar directly at 866-340-3579 or at https://www.nazdar.com/en-us/.