Odyssey FR Passes CSFM Title 19
Marlen Textile’s light weight flame retardant fabric, Odyssey FR, now passes California State Fire Marshall Title 19.
The product was recently tested by a certified third-party facility and the State of California accepted the results and has issued us a certificate under Registration # F-28501. Copies of the certificate are available for download directly on our web site. in the areas we service.”
Utilizing the same base fabric as our popular Odyssey brand, Odyssey FR provides a 7.25 ounce fabric available in 7 standard colors. As with Odyssey, custom colors are easily achievable. Odyssey FR now will provide one of the lowest costs fabrics in the market to come with CSFM Title 19 certification. “We are excited we were able to achieve this certification” stated Rita Buenemann, Lab Manager at Marlen Textiles. “This is exciting news for our customers, as it gives them another fabric to choose from when needing to meet the exacting requirements of California State Fire Marshall.”
All current stock is certified.